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Crash Recovery

When a crash is detected, the flight controller will attempt to recover the craft to a level attitude, then give the control back.


This feature is disabled by default. It can only be enabled and configured via the CLI.


List of parameters for configuring the crash recovery feature:

ParameterDescriptionAllowed ValuesDefault
crash_recoveryEnable or disable the crash recovery feature.OFF, ON, BEEP, DISARMOFF
crash_dthresholdSensitivity threshold based on D-term values10 to 200050
crash_gthresholdSensitivity threshold based on gyro readings100 to 2000400
crash_setpoint_thresholdSensitivity threshold based on stick position50 to 2000350
crash_recovery_angle Defines the angle to which the craft will try to recover.5 to 3010
crash_recovery_rateHow aggressively the craft attempts to recover. Higher values mean faster recovery but can lead to oscillations if set too high.50 to 255100
crash_limit_yawLimits the yaw rate during recovery to prevent yaw spins. If during crash recovery the yaw rate exceeds this value, crash recovery will be cancelled0 to 1000200
crash_timeMaximum duration in milliseconds for which recovery attempts will be made.100 to 5000500
crash_delayTime in milliseconds to wait before starting recovery.0 to 5000

Crash Recovery Modes

  • OFF: Do not use crash recovery
  • ON: Upon detecting a crash, level the craft and give back control
  • BEEP: Upon detecting a crash, beep the external beeper, do not affect the craft's flying. Useful for testing
  • DISARM: Upon detecting a crash, disarm the craft.

This feature is designed for whoops and smaller craft. Please test it carefully on big and open-propped quads.