📄️ 3D Setup
This page is under construction and will be used to outline how to set up 3D mode on a multirotor and should list out the important and easily missed steps in order to avoid incidents.
📄️ Acro Trainer
Adds a new angle limiting mode for pilots who are learning to fly in acro mode. Primarily targeted at new LOS acro pilots, but can be used with FPV as well.
📄️ Arming Sequence & Safety
Switch arming
📄️ Blackbox Explorer MinMax control
The MinMax control feature can control curves scale and placement quickly and full.
📄️ Barometer
Barometers measure air pressure to determine altitude. They are highly sensitive, responding to a breath of air, and are very temperature sensitive. Typically they incorporate accurate temperature sensors to provide compensation.
📄️ 4.5 CLI Command Line Reference
For best results, in your web browser, use Ctrl-F to find CLI command in question.
📄️ Blackbox Logging And Usage
Black Box Logger
📄️ Broken USB Rescue
It is possible to flash FCs via UART without further requirements, this can be useful to continue using FCs with a broken USB port.
📄️ Buzzer Mute Mode
With Beeper Mute Mode you can silence the buzzer as long it's not needed.
📄️ Community Presets
The below presets are **by the community, for the community**. You will see the BF version the preset is targeted toward and the pilot's name who published their recommended preset(s). We encourage community members to provide their own presets on this page. To do so, you simply need a Github account. Enjoy!
📄️ Configuring Crossfire
Betaflight has the ability to display on your OSD a measurement of Crossfire LQ (Link Quality). This measurement is based on a ratio of successful packets transmitted and received. This is the recommended performance indicator to use instead of RSSI, due to the overall signal strength of the Crossfire hardware.
📄️ Crash Recovery
When a crash is detected, the flight controller will attempt to recover the craft to a level attitude, then give the control back.
📄️ Current Sensor Calibration
Some boards include a current sensor in order to provide measures such as "Battery current draw", "Battery current mAh drawn" and others. More often than not, the current sensor has to be thoroughly calibrated for the measures to be accurate. Also, Betaflight includes a Virtual Current Sensor feature that can be used when the current sensor is missing or broken. This sensor needs a different calibration procedure to be performed in order to provide reasonably accurate measures. The Betaflight documentation includes very valuable advice on how to calibrate both sensors: Battery
📄️ DFU Hijacking
📄️ DMin
Dmin allows us to have different amounts of D depending on what the quad is doing at the time.
📄️ DShot RPM Filtering
Recent Announcements
📄️ Debug Modes
📄️ Deep Dive
📄️ Dynamic Idle
📄️ ESC Telemetry
There are two ways to get ESC data to the flight controller:
📄️ External OSD - MWOSD - CMS
This guide is intended for users who do not have an embedded OSD and / or wish to use an external OSD
📄️ FAQ
The following FAQs are common questions that were asked in Boris' ßF or other RCG threads.
📄️ FPV Camera Control
📄️ Failsafe
If the radio link is lost, or the receiver fails or becomes disconnected, the pilot will have no control over their aircraft.
📄️ Feed Forward 2.0
Betaflight 4.1 brings us Feed Forward 2.0 - a comprehensive set of updates to FeedForward.
📄️ Flight Controller Gyro Orientation
There are tons of videos available on the internet how to align a flight controller (FC) to a model aircraft frame, e.g. Flight Controller Orientation Settings in BetaFlight from Cyclone FPV
📄️ Flight Controller Orientation
Usually, the gyro orientation on the FC is ink-marked by an arrow pointing forward.
📄️ Flying Tips
📄️ FrSky FPORT Protocol
📄️ Freestyle Tuning Principles
This is a work in progress and not a final document.
📄️ GPS Rescue 4.1 to 4.3
📄️ GPS Rescue 4.4
Betaflight 4.4 brings huge improvements in the altitude, velocity, flightpath accuracy and landing behavior of the GPS Rescue code. The Sanity Checks that monitor the status of the Rescue are less likely to disarm the quad or falsely declare a failure of the rescue.
📄️ GPS Rescue 4.5
Betaflight 4.5 makes the following significant improvements to GPS rescue:
📄️ HID Joystick Support
HID joystick support is currently only available on F4 / F7 boards.
📄️ Hardware Reference
📄️ Iterm Relax explained
I term relax aims to inhibit I during fast manoeuvres by preventing it to further accumulate. Simply put I term relax will keep I constant during fast manoeuvres.
📄️ Single Wire FlySky IBUS Telemetry
It's now possible to combine the serial rx and ibus telemetry on the same fc uart on a single pin.
📄️ IRC Tramp
📄️ Installing Betaflight
How to install Betaflight firmware on your FC:
📄️ Integrated Yaw
📄️ Led Strip Functionality
Betaflight 4.0
📄️ Launch Control
📄️ Magnetometer / Compass
These notes only apply to Magnetometers in Betaflight 4.5 or higher
📄️ Mass Storage Device Support
Mass storage device support allows the micro SD card or the flash chip of your flight controller to be mounted as an external storage device on your PC. This allows for easy drag / drop download of log files.
📄️ Mixer Support
- Beginning with 3.1.7, some rarely used mixers have being dropped from F1 and F3 firmwares due to flash space limitation.
📄️ Mixer Types
All graphs below are representing AIRMODE enabled scenarios. When AIRMODE is disabled, regular mixer clipping on low throttle range will happen.
📄️ Multicopter Spazzing Out?
Since I've run into this issue so often on various facebook threads and /r/multicopter posts, I decided it would be worthwhile to compile a (written) checklist for to diagnose your quad
📄️ OSD Font Upload Problem
📄️ OSD & CMS Adjusting Screen
Adjusting CMS Screen
📄️ PID Tuning Guide
Quadcopter and Betaflight cheat sheet
📄️ Paralyze For Team Races
During team relay races it's unsafe to retrieve crashed quads because the course is continuously hot. In order to safely fly a backup quad with the primary quad crashed in the field (but powered up) it's necessary to:
📄️ Pinio & PinioBox
📄️ Position Hold 4.6
Betaflight 4.6 introduces Altitude Hold and Position Hold.
📄️ Presets 4.3
Welcome to Betaflight firmware-presets support!
📄️ Presets Quick Start for Authors
This is a step-by-step guide on how to create your first preset, verify, and submit it for approval.
📄️ Rate Calculator
Betaflight supports different rates models. A rate model is the mathematics used to transform the stick position to a turn rate in deg/s. Three parameters, RCRate, Rate, and Expo, determine the curve of the rate model.
📄️ Remapping Motors with Resource Command
Necessity for swapping/shifting/rotating motor positions rises from time to time. Before v3.1, we had to either use long wires between FC and ESC to retain the original mapping (which make the build messy) or use a custom mix to change how each motor contributes to attitude adjustment.
📄️ Resource Remapping Command
NOTE: this command is only available in version 3.1 and newer of Betaflight.
📄️ Running with reversed motors
Spinning outwards at the front and back
📄️ RunCam Device Protocol
📄️ Runaway Takeoff Prevention
📄️ SBus FPort and Open Tx
OpenTX has the problem that it fails to fully utilise the hardware that FrSky sells for SBus and FPort (called 'D16' in OpenTX terminology). As a consequence, on FrSky hardware that is perfectly capable of supporting 4 RC channels and up to 12 switch channels with an update rate of 9 ms, OpenTX (up to and including version 2.2.3 at least) only supports an update rate of 18 ms for the RC channels. To make matters worse, it does this by sending RC frames to the flight controller at intervals of 9 ms, but sends identical RC data for each pair of consecutive frames.
📄️ Serial Blackbox Logging
OpenLog is not a suitable serial blackbox logging device for Betaflight 4.0 and beyond
📄️ Serial Passthrough
Update FrSky XSR RX Firmware
📄️ Servos & Servo Tilt
📄️ Setup for Fixed Wing Aircraft
_If you're looking to fly a simple delta wing, scroll to bottom._
📄️ SmartAudio
SmartAudio is a single-wire solution for VTx control, originally developed by TBS on their Unify range of Analog Vtx devices.
📄️ Soft Mounting and Noise Reduction
FAQ #56 has been where all the info has been put. We will be editing FAQ #56 to put information on this page.
📄️ SoftSerial
Softserial provides a means to add another 'virtual' UART on MCU's with a limited number of pinned-out true UART ports, eg F411's.
📄️ Supported Sensors
📄️ Telemetry
Telemetry is information sent back to your RC transmitter via the RC data link. For example, telemetry allows for your RC transmitter to read out your main battery voltage or RSSI. For telemetry to work your RC receiver and transmitter must support it. The specific data that Betaflight will send via telemetry depends on the telemetry protocol being used. For example, Smartport will send a certain set of information while Crossfire will send another set.
📄️ VTX CLI Settings
As of Betaflight version 3.3.0, the CLI settings below can be used to
📄️ VTX Tables
VTX Tables for Use in Configurator
📄️ Yaw Spin Recovery and Gyro Overflow Detect
Yaw Spin Recovery Notes