📄️ Bus and External Device Drivers
Betaflight makes a distinction between external devices and the bus on which they reside. For example each type of gyro will have a device driver which understands the register map of the gyro, and accesses to those registers will be made via a bus driver, either I2C or SPI. A device instance is represented by a extDevicet structure which references a busDevicet structure corresponding to the bus instance via which the device is accesses.
📄️ Betaflight Cloud Build API
Cloud build API was introduced in firmware version 4.4.
📄️ DisplayPort MSP Extensions
Betaflight supports what is sometimes referred to as Canvas Mode whereby the OSD can send arbitrary character strings to be displayed at given screen coordinates.
📄️ DShot
DShot - Digital Shot - is a very popular protocol for flight controller (FC) to electronic speed controller (ESC) communication. In the quadcopter hobby it is nowadays pretty much the standard. The protocol is used to send the target throttle value from the FC to the ESC, which in turn interprets it and drives the motor(s) accordingly.
📄️ MSP Extensions
Cleanflight includes a number of extensions to the MultiWii Serial Protocol (MSP). This document describes